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The article presents Max Weber as an economist. Weber's relation to economics is discussed. His inaugural speech in Freiburg "National State and Economic Policy" (1895), "Lectures on General (Theoretical) Economics" (1898), writings about stock exchange (1893-1898) as well as his article...
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The paper is concerned with the famous study "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" (1904/1905) by Max Weber. It analyzes both main content and context of this work. It is shown that the main idea of the "Protestant Ethic" is not originally one of Weber, but it was taken over from...
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The article outlines the historical roots of bonds and bond-market institutions in the Czech Republic. The survey begins in early 20th century, during the Habsburg monarchy, carries through the First Republic of Czechoslovakia and the preceding post-Second World War socialist era, and culminates...
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The article deals with the role of the central banks in advanced market economies and the theoretical possibility of abolishing these institutions. Central banks have monopolies in some areas, especially regarding monetary policy. In many countries, central banks also have monopolies in other...
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The author reverts the current mainstream discussion of deflation hampering economic growth. The author first revises the definition inflation that is often misinterpreted. He shows that deflation is a natural phenomenon that often follows periods of unsustainable asset-price bubbles. He also...
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Èlánek se zabývá deflací, zkoumá její pøíèiny a stanovuje její typologii. Na základì tohoto zkoumání ústí v závìr, že dokud ekonomie bude stavìt na subjektivitì užitku, který nelze meziosobnì srovnávat, bude poskytovat jediný závìr. Antideflaèní politika...
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Monetary policy in the Czech Republic in the year 2000 in the broader framework of macroeconomic development is the topic of this article. The central bank's experience with inflation targeting, and the implementation of the inflation target in 2000 are assessed. The resumption of GDP growth and...
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The coordination of the economic policies of the EU Member countries started in the early 90´ s has become a permanent feature of the European integration process. Gradually a rather complicated mechanism has evolved aiming to combine and complement policies pursued at EU level with policies...
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Tato studie se zabývá otázkou, zda nekoordinovaná opatření některých států měnící parametry národních systémů pojištění vkladů zavedená v polovině roku 2008 mohla vést k přesunu vkladů mezi členskými státy Evropské unie. Pozornost je věnována především...
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