Showing 1 - 10 of 27
The author raises doubts about a sense of "catching up" and an idolatry of HDP´s growth. His argumentation is based on the longitudinal international research of the link "economics-happiness" at the frontier between economics and psychology. The rationality of economic science "more is better"...
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Czech Abstract: Článek zkoumá pojetí pravdy v ekonomii. Je argumentováno, že pravda je v ekonomii chápána jak ve smyslu korespondence, tak ve smyslu koherence. Konkrétně platí, že aplikovaná ekonomie pracuje s pojetím pravdy v prvním smyslu, kdežto teoretická ekonomie ve smyslu...
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The article describes the nature and importance of the concept of private property. It traces back the logical necessity of the respect for property as a safeguard of both peace and prosperity. Then, it surveys arguments in favor of intellectual property that allegedly coincide with those of the...
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Currently, if speaking about the theoretical background of the environmental policy, most of environmental economists have neoclassical economics in their minds. State regulation of private activities by means of restrictions, commands, taxes and fees is usually seen as the only one way to reach...
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Doubts about the intrinsic value of economic performance are nothing new (T.Scitovsky, J.Galbraith). The paper starts with a criticism of „catching up“ models and a „puzzle“ of East Germans dissatisfaction with a rise of welfare after the Berlin wall’s fall. Author provides a sketch of...
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A case study is a valuable instrument for teaching and examining business related disciplines. Application and utilization of case studies have been discussed at length in the academic literature. To a lesser degree, authors have addressed the issue of case production. Case studies can be...
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V tomto článku překládám nástin jednoho z možných přístupů, jakým může ekonomická teorie reagovat na aktuální výzvu, kterou představuje Easterlinův paradox. Klíčové téma vyžadující hlubší pochopení a uchopení ekonomickým aparátem je sociální povaha člověka,...
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The paper reviews (in Czech) the main qualitative tools applied by (micro)economic analysis and surveys the main literature on the topic. Economics is often being criticised by its opponents for the use of unrealistic assumptions. On the contrary, my claim is that if economics has anything to...
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The paper reviews (in Czech) the main qualitative tools applied by (micro)economic analysis and surveys the main literature on the topic. Economics is often being criticised by its opponents for the use of unrealistic assumptions. On the contrary, my claim is that if economics has anything to...
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