Showing 1 - 10 of 48
This essay examines the influence of income differentiation on private consumption. The author illustrates how to derive the total demand on individual goods from curves describing the income differentiation within the population (e.g., Lorenz) and the Engel curve. This model is later used to...
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Sociální pøíjmy a danì významnì pùsobí na rozdìlení pøíjmù ve spoleènosti. Zkoumání jejich redistribuèní funkce je proto tøeba vìnovat dostateènou pozornost. Porovnání rozdìlení hrubého a èistého pøíjmu ukazuje, zda je systém daní a sociálních dávek...
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This paper uses a specific experiment — „voucher privatization“ in the former Czechoslovakia — to test the permanent income hypothesis of consumer behavior. Voucher privatization (the mass privatization of state-owned assets through publicly offered vouchers) led to an unexpected...
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Cílem èlánku je ukázat zmìny v redistribuci na úrovni domácností. V první èásti využíváme šetøení u obyvatelstva k analýze vývoje pøerozdìlování po roce 1989 a k analýze jeho faktorù. Ve druhé èásti se vìnujeme kontextu sociální struktury a na datech...
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A social rate of discount is an important variable for cost-benefit analysis. Its size can be crucial for an approval (or disapproval) of the project under evaluation, therefore it is important to have a theoretically founded estimate of the discount rate. There are two main approaches to...
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The authors' approach to the ethical and political aspects of inter-temporal interactions is the following: 1) Two representative agents Ra and Râ are analyzed and asymmetries in their wealth and voting powers are dealt with by a the text-book tool of a welfare function - its intra and...
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Over the past few years, the Value at Risk indicator (VaR) has evolved, without doubt, into the most frequently used comprehensive tool for assessment of potential losses caused by adverse changes in market rates. However, the common models used for VaR assessment are based only on mid prices...
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Our study contains application of Latent Semantic Indexing on financial crises prediction. Hypothesis to test was that equity markets are able to predict even sharp changes in monetary policy during a quarter ahead of such a change (which was searched during two quarters that followed). This...
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The author of this paper criticizes the broad, cash-flow based concepts of seignorage that were introduced and emphasized by the economic literature of the 1990s (i.e., fiscal seignorage, total seignorage, etc.), which the author argues are ill justified and confusing. On the other hand, the two...
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Autoøi se ve svém èlánku pokoušejí odpovìdìt na otázku, zda proces eliminace neperspektivních firem napomohl oživení èeské ekonomiky na konci 90. let. Pro rok 1999 prokázali vysokou míru podobnosti provozních výsledkù (produktivita práce, pøidaná hodnota na zamìstnance,...
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