Showing 1 - 10 of 106
This paper aims at highlighting several origin mercantilist ideas in the works of Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1726). 
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The protest campaign against globalization proves a public, general anxiety that, thinking deeply, is not entirely unjustified. It’t about political interests that, unfortunately, have an influence on the economic ones. Therefore, one can speak about a discrepancy between the economic...
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Swedish Abstract: ACTA MONETARIA SUECIAE är en presentation av Sveriges äldsta skriftliga dokument över mynt, priser och ädelmetaller. Totalt 526 brevposter från Riksarkivets databas Svenskt Diplomatariums Huvud kartotek, SDHK, har översatts från latin till svenska. Det rör sig om...
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Romanian Abstract: Prezentare. „Statul Asăneștilor”, prima creație politică cu aport românesc. Conjunctură, denumită, istoria secretă a singurului imperiu făcut de români.Asăneştii, vlahii care s-au proclamat împăraţi, au stăpânit Balcanii 100 de ani
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The paper presents the personality of Pirandello and the importance of the public education
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Dinicu Golescu’s work can both be considered an artistic reportage and an early form of sociology. Admiring the values of Western culture and civilisation, Dinicu Golescu cannot forget the backwardness of his country: economical, political, social and cultural. Back home, he tries to improve...
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The article shows the conception (regarding the organisation and future of tourism in Romania) of Valeriu Puscariu, one of the authors of the Encyclopedia of Romania (1938). Comparing the state of tourism in Romania, in the early 20th century, with the state of tourism in developed countries, V....
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The paper presents the personality of the Romanian politic man Vintila Bratianu
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In the paper it is shown that on July 29th, 1848, at Ramnicu Valcea, was organized a festival, for which, Anton Pann, as a local important person and as a teacher of music, composed the music for the “A Great Sound” poem by Andrei Muresanu. That song, known now as “Awake, Romanian!” is...
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The paper presents the scientific works of the Romanian researcher Dimitrie Gusti in the sociology and his contribution to the development of Romanian Museum of Village.
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