Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Danish business cycles from 1974 to 2000 are studied. The HP-filter and the Baxter-king filter are applied and several empirical regularities are identified: Consumption tends to lead the business cycle while investment, especially construction, follows with a lag. Export does not covariate...
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Several countries at the core of the Euro area have experienced coincident business cycles during the most recent decades, while the Danish economy seemed detached from these cycles during the 1980's and part of the 1990's. To a large degree, the decoupling of the Danish economy reflects...
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[Resumé] Denne note tager udgangspunkt i Stern Review. Rapporten er på ca. 700 sider, og jeg vil ikke kunne gennemgå alt i denne. Fokus bliver lagt på især to områder, for det første den beslutningsteoretiske diskussion, og hvordan den iboende usikkerhed anvendes. For det andet hvilken...
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Mens moderne mainstream makroteori - ny-klassisk som ny-keynesiansk – begge gør brug af den samme metodologi, giver den post keynesianske tænkning et alternativ hertil. Med sit fokus på 'path dependency' udvikler og forandrer det økonomiske set up sig over tiden. Nye institutioner kommer...
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