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The belief in occult forces is still deeply rooted in many African societies, regardless of education, religion, and social class of the people concerned. According to many Africans its incidence is even increasing due to social stress and strain caused (among others) by the process of...
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The international policy discourse, for example by the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, has emphasized the critical role of productive capacities in promoting sustainable development and building economic resilience in developing countries. This paper has examined whether...
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We examine whether gender quotas introduced by development agencies empower women. As part of a development program, an international organization created community management committees in 661 villages to oversee village level program expenditures. In a randomly selected half of these villages...
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This article has considered the effect of development aid and remittances inflows on wages in the manufacturing sector of the recipient-economies. The empirical analysis has used a sample of 95 countries over the period 1963-2016, and on the two-step system Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM)....
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This paper has investigated the effect of countries' structural economic vulnerability (EVI) on their participation in international trade, using an unbalanced panel dataset of 118 countries over the period from 1996 to 2018, and the two-step system generalized method of moments estimator. It...
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We investigate whether lending by the Islamic Development Bank mirrors Saudi Arabia’s political interests based on religious affinity using panel data for its 56 member countries over the 1970 to 2007 period. Our results indicate that Sunni regime countries receive favorable treatment in terms...
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Environmentally motivated aid can help developing countries to achieve economic growth while mitigating the impact on emission levels. We argue that the usual practice of giving aid conditionally is not effective, and we therefore study aid that is given unconditionally. Our framework is a...
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