Showing 1 - 10 of 17
"Für einen angemessenen Vergleich der einzelnen Arbeitsagenturen ist immer auch die regionale Arbeitsmarktsituation zu berücksichtigen. Dies wird durch die Typisierung der Agenturbezirke durch das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) ermöglicht. Damit kann die Bundesagentur...
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"To what extent is the gender wage gap of fulltime employees due to differences in productiv-ity- related characteristics, to discrimination of female employees, and how is the wage gap affected by firm specific features? To analyze these problems we use a linked employer-employee database for...
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"We assess the relative impact of cultural norms and structural conditions on employment interruption patterns of new mothers in reunified Germany, 1992-2009. During this time, East and West Germany share similar family policies, yet, the regions differ markedly with regard to cultural...
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"In this paper we study the effect of small labor market entry cohorts on (un)employment in Western Germany. From a theoretical point of view, decreasing cohort sizes may on the one hand reduce unemployment due to 'inverse cohort crowding' or on the other hand increase unemployment if companies...
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"Almost twenty years after German reunification there are still huge income disparities between western and eastern regions in Germany. The main purpose of the paper is to show how social transfer payments reduce these inter-regional disparities. In a first step we examine inequalities in the...
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"Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und berufliche Abschlüsse sind wichtige Voraussetzungen für die wirtschaftliche und soziale Teilhabe von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Seit längerer Zeit gibt es daher spezifische Sprachförderangebote für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen. Mit...
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"This paper estimates for a sample of means-tested unemployment benefit recipients the effects of their participation in short-term training programmes in Germany. We apply propensity score matching and rely on a large sample of treated and controls from administrative data, which in contrast to...
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"In many countries fairly large and persistent regional disparities can be observed for a variety of economic indicators. Since these disparities can not be reduced to one single dimension, a classification system is needed to give a parsimonious overview. The article presents a system which is...
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"Recent theoretical research deals with economic costs and benefits of cultural diversity related to immigration. However, empirical evidence regarding the impact of cultural diversity on economic performance is still scarce. This paper investigates the significance of cultural diversity of the...
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"Using two nationally representative establishment data sets, this paper investigates collective bargaining coverage and firms' choice of governance structures for the employment relationship in Britain and in (western and eastern) Germany. Both countries have experienced a substantial decline...
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