Showing 21 - 30 of 34
Die aktuellen Finanzmarktturbulenzen wurden durch Entwicklungen im Immobiliensektor ausgelöst. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert dieser Beitrag den Zusammenhang zwischen den Immobilienpreisen und der Geldmengen- und Kreditvolumensentwicklung für den Zeitraum 1992 -2006 (westdeutsche...
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Support for the Taylor principle is considerable but the focus of empirical investigation has been on estimated coefficients at the mean of the interest rate distribution. We offer a new approach that estimates the response of interest rates to inflation and the output gap at various points...
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The German central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, conducted monetary targeting until the end of the year 1998. By the announcement of a monetary target, the central bank wanted to inform the public of its monetary stance. If the information-transmisson process has been successful, I checked by the...
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Although central banks often advocate labor market reforms, the latter may lead to higher stabilization costs in the presence of habit persistence in consumption. This is more likely to occur when strong habit persistence is coupled with an inflation-averse central bank. The presence of habit...
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The authors examine the implications for the optimal interest rate rule that follow from relaxing the assumption that the policy-maker's loss function is quadratic. They investigate deviations from quadratics for both symmetric and asymmetric preferences for a single target and find that (i)...
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I analyze how the introduction of financial frictions can affect the trade-off between output stabilization and inflation stability and whether, in the presence of financial frictions, the optimal outcome can be realized or approached more closely if monetary policy is allowed to react to...
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The Friedman rule is a feature of second-best policies in several monetary models. We extend this result by establishing that zero nominal interest rates can be optimal even if the Ramsey planner is not able to select many distorting tax rates. However, we show that the optimality of that policy...
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Between 1995 and 2005, the German economy has experienced a phase of weak economic growth. We analyze whether this weak growth performance can be attributed to the stance of monetary conditions during that period. We show that the real effective exchange rate did have almost no dampening effects...
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Der vorliegende Diskussionsbeitrag entstand im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes über die monetäre Integration von fünf mittel- und osteuropäischen EU-Beitrittskandidaten (Estland, Polen, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik und Ungarn). Während die vorangegangenen Kapitel des Projekts die Vor-...
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Given all the evidence supporting Milton Friedman's proposition that inflation is now and every-where a monetary phenomenon, it seems that we are wrong when we tend to ignore the behaviour of the monetary aggregates at our peril. The total neglect of information about the monetary aggregates in...
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