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The question non longer is if more competition should be introduced in the German water and sewerage sector. The issue rather is what kind of competition ought to be implemented. There are mainly three different approaches: Competition in the Market; Competition for the Market and the...
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Due to recent legislation, Benchmarking in the German water and sewerage sector will be introduced as widely as possible. Under certain conditions this decision by the German Bundestag might help to improve the efficiency of the industry. I will define two sets of conditions. First, a useful...
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There is a lack of competition in the German water and sewerage sector. According to economic theory levels of service can be expected to be inefficient. I will check this hypothesis and therefore take a closer look at various categories of levels of service. In analysing the internet pages of...
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Since early 2009, power supply in Germany has been subject to incentive regulation designed to ensure greater … whether the introduction of incentive regulation from 2009 onwards can be attributed to an empirically demonstrable impact on … investment and whether this effect is due to the introduction of incentive regulation per se, or to its specific design. The …
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Since early 2009, power supply in Germany has been subject to incentive regulation designed to ensure greater … whether the introduction of incentive regulation from 2009 onwards can be attributed to an empirically demonstrable impact on … investment and whether this effect is due to the introduction of incentive regulation per se, or to its specific design. The …
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into this regulatory system. -- Water ; Sewerage ; Comparative Efficiency ; Germany ; Regulation …
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Die Aufgabe der kommunalen Wasserversorgungsunternehmen besteht darin, die Verbraucher mit qualitativ hochwertigem Trinkwasser in ausreichender Menge zu versorgen. Auf der anderen Seite müssen die kommunalen Abwasserentsorgungsbetriebe das von den Grundstückseigentümern erzeugte Abwasser...
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The function of communal water supply utilities is to provide consumers with high quality drinking water in sufficient quantities. On the other hand communal wastewater disposal utilities have to dispose the wastewater. In addition to this water prices and wastewater charges shall also give...
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Fragen der Finanzierung des Rückbaus von Atomkraftwerken und der Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle stehen im Mittelpunkt der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um die weitere Ausgestaltung des Atomausstiegs. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass sich die Atomkraftwerksbetreiber ihrer finanziellen Verantwortung...
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Die kommende Klimakonferenz in Paris wird einmal mehr den Handlungsbedarf zur globalen Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen verdeutlichen, um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels einzudämmen. Relevante globale Energieszenarien gehen oftmals noch davon aus, dass der Ausbau der Atomkraft einen...
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