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The relationship of companies in the maritime economy to banks has been neglected by researchers. While this is surprising, specific financing techniques in ship financing can be found. In addition, the topic has a high degree of currency: the relationship of shipping companies and shipyards to...
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The relationship of companies in the maritime economy to banks has been neglected by researchers. While this is surprising, specific financing techniques in ship financing can be found. In addition, the topic has a high degree of currency: the relationship of shipping companies and shipyards to...
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Despite his prominence in the socio-political debate on the German housing market before the First World War, Rudolph Eberstadt's (1856-1922) concept of speculation is largely ignored today by German scholars of economics and economic history. Accordingly, speculative operations on markets are...
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German mortgage banks based on stock, more frequently founded from the early 1860s, used the traditional Pfandbrief system to cope with the growing tasks of urban and housing construction. Its safety for both creditors as well as debtors of real estate financing depended not least on a clear...
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Der Transformationsprozess Russlands von einer zentralstaatlich geplanten Volkswirtschaft hin zu einer Marktwirtschaft nach westlichem Vorbild liefert eine aufschlussreiche Fallstudie über die von William Baumol (1990) vertretene These der institutionellen Steuerbarkeit von produktivem...
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Der Transformationsprozess Russlands von einer zentralstaatlich geplanten Volkswirtschafthin zu einer Marktwirtschaft nach westlichem Vorbild liefert eine aufschlussreiche Fallstudieüber die von William Baumol (1990) vertretene These der institutionellen Steuerbarkeit vonproduktivem...
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This paper discusses the problems regarding the decentralisation of a formerly communist country. In Georgia, the first steps towards decentralisation failed, since the transition process led to a power vacuum that escalated in bloody conflicts and secessionist movements. The status of Abkhazia...
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Under the influence of orientation towards European integration, Georgia has introduced a variety of new laws with the apparent aim to decentralize legislative and executive powers. This paper shows that the Georgian efforts of decentralization remain superficial, mainly because they are not...
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Die Krise des europäischen Währungsraums ist nicht vorbei. Zwar ist die Lage an den Finanzmärkten derzeit relativ ruhig, wirtschaftlich scheint die Talsohle in den meisten Ländern durchschritten. Aber fundamentale Konstruktionsfehler der Währungsunion bestehen weiter fort. Werden diese...
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Die Kosten einer Staatspleite innerhalb der Eurozone sind aufgrund der Auswirkungen auf das Finanzsystem unkalkulierbar. Über Ansteckungseffekte besteht die Gefahr einer tiefen Rezession in der gesamten Währungsunion. Dies zwingt die Euro-Mitgliedstaaten in Krisenzeiten zu kostspieligen...
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