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Although the dissertation is in German, on demand a bilateral discussion can be done in English language.
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The meat sector is the largest branch in the German food economy. It is characterized by a dominance of cost leadership. Against the background of an increasingly ruinous predatory pricing policy, we analyze the potential of brands introduced into new markets by brand extension. Therefore,...
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There are two objectives of this article: (i) It is discussed theoreticallyhow the dynamics of pricing decisions of multiproduct retailers can be explained. (ii) It is analyzed empirically by use ofscanner data how prices are actually set and how consumers reactat the point of sale to price...
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The aim of this study is to contribute to the explanation of consumer behaviour.To do so, it is not sufficient to identify the product characteristics most relevant tothe consumer. Moreover, the reasons why consumers attach meaning to the productattributes have to be found out, whereas the...
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This study presents a procedure to estimate expenditure and price elasticities of food commodities from cross-sectional data. There are two problems with the use of cross-sectional data: First, priceinformation is not sufficient in these data. To derive “adjusted prices” from cross-sectional...
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The prevalence of non-monetary transactions (NMT) in the Ukrainian economyis a phenomenon attributable to its transition to a market system. Major types ofNMT are barter transactions, offsets and payment in kind. Non-monetary transactionsare widespread in agriculture.The aim of this research is...
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Aktuellen Beobachtungen im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel (LEH) zufolge treten die Handelsunternehmen mit der Einführung von Premiumhandelsmarken bzw. Genusshandels-marken (als sehr jungen Premiumhandelsmarkentyp) in direkte Konkurrenz zu entsprechen-den Herstellermarken und stellen Themen...
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In diesem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit Optimierungsansätze wie lineareProgrammierungsmodelle geeignet sind, bessere Entscheidungen als reale Entscheider zu treffen.Auch beleuchtet werden Unterschiede im Entscheidungsverhalten und in denProduktionsstrategien. Dazu lassen wir...
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Die Erschließung neuer Absatzkanäle im konventionellen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel hat einrasantes Wachstum des Marktes für ökologische Lebensmittel ermöglicht. Neben positivenEffekten dieses Wachstums, wie einem erhöhten Absatz von Bio-Produkten und umfassendenProfessionalisierungseffekten...
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