Showing 1 - 10 of 894
Crowdinvesting bietet Privatinvestoren die Möglichkeit, sich auch mit relativ geringen Geldbeträgen an Startups zu beteiligen. Jedoch haben die Anleger durch eine Vielzahl teils öffentlichkeitswirksamer Pleiten einen Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals erlitten. Die Ausfallraten deutscher...
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The estimation of expected security returns is one of the major tasks for the practical implementation of the Markowitz portfolio optimization. Against this background, in 1992 Black and Litterman developed an approach based on (theoretically established) expected equili-brium returns which...
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The most relevant practical impediment to an application of the Markowitz portfolio selection approach is the problem of estimating return moments, in particular return expectations. We analyze the consequences of using return estimates implied by analysts' dividend forecasts under the explicit...
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We show analytically under quite general conditions that implied rates of return based on analysts' earnings forecasts are only a downward biased estimator for future expected one-period returns and therefore not suited for computing market risk premia. The extent of this bias is substantial as...
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Performance fees for portfolio managers are designed to align the managers' goals withthose of the investors and to motivate managers to aquire "superior" information and tomake better investment decisions. A part of the literature analyzes performance fees on thebasis of market valuation. In...
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Performance fees for portfolio managers are designed to align the managers' goals with those of the investors and to motivate managers to aquire superior information and to make better investment decisions. A part of the literature analyzes performance fees on the basis of market valuation. In...
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German Abstract: Kryptowährungen als alternatives Investment ziehen nach wie vor große Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Getrieben vom Anlagedruck durch ein nachhaltig niedriges Zinsumfeld und rechnerisch hohen Renditechancen in Kryptowährungen beginnen zunehmend auch institutionelle Anleger mit der...
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The current financial market crisis has impressively demonstrated the importance of an effective credit risk management for financial institutions. At the same time, the use and the valuation of credit derivatives has been widely criticised as a result of the crisis. Over the past decade, credit...
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The credit crisis and the following sovereign debt crisis during 2007 and 2012 led to an increasing volatility of European corporate bond credit spreads. European investment grade credit spreads rose in 2007 and 2008 from 50 BP to over 350 BP. In the years after the credit spreads declined to...
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In almost every financial market crisis we can observe widening credit spreads, especially in the last years during the subprime and sovereign debt crisis. But what exactly drives the credit spread? This paper will outline static components, i.e. default risk, liquidity, risk and the relative...
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