Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Abstract: Data depth measures the centrality of a point with respect to a given distribution or data cloud. It provides a natural center-outward ordering of multivariate data points and yields a systematic nonparametric multivariate analysis scheme. In particular, the halfspace depth is shown to...
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Let (X1, Y1),…., (Xn, Yn) be an i.i.d. sample from a bivariate distribution function that lies in the max-domain of attraction of<br/>an extreme value distribution. The asymptotic joint distribution of the standardized component-wise maxima<br/>√n i=1 Xi and √n i=1 Yi is then characterized by the...
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We introduce generalized Probability-Probability (P-P) plots in order to study the one-sample goodness-of-fit problem and the two-sample problem, for real valued data.These plots, that are constructed by indexing with the class of closed intervals, globally preserve the properties of classical...
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Consider the extreme quantile region, induced by the halfspace depth function HD, of the form Q = fx 2 Rd : HD(x; P) g, such that PQ = p for a given, very small p 0. This region can hardly be estimated through a fully nonparametric procedure since the sample halfspace depth is 0 outside the...
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Tail dependence models for distributions attracted to a max-stable law are tted using observations above a high threshold. To cope with spatial, high-dimensional data, a rankbased M-estimator is proposed relying on bivariate margins only. A data-driven weight matrix is used to minimize the...
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Consider n i.i.d. random vectors on R2, with unknown, common distribution function F.Under a sharpening of the extreme value condition on F, we derive a weighted approximation of the corresponding tail copula process.Then we construct a test to check whether the extreme value condition holds by...
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Consider a random sample in the max-domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme value distribution such that the dependence structure of the attractor belongs to a parametric model. A new estimator for the unknown parameter is defined as the value that minimises the distance between a vector...
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Abstract: Denote the loss return on the equity of a financial institution as X and that of the entire market as Y . For a given very small value of p 0, the marginal expected shortfall (MES) is defined as E(X | Y QY (1−p)), where QY (1−p) is the (1−p)-th quantile of the distribution of Y...
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The Half-Half (HH) plot is a new graphical method to investigate qualitatively the shape of a regression curve. The empirical HH-plot counts observations in the lower and upper quarter of a strip that moves horizontally over the scatter plot. The plot displays jumps clearly and reveals further...
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Consider the nonparametric regression model Y = m(X)+e, where the function m is smooth, but unknown.We construct tests for the independence of e and X, based on n independent copies of (X; Y ).The testing procedures are based on differences of neighboring Y 's.We establish asymptotic results for...
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