Showing 1 - 10 of 96
In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. However, in the triad the process of globalization is rather asymmetric. With a rising role of multinational companies there are favorable prospects for higher global growth and...
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This paper sheds light on the questions, Why does knowledge spill over? and How does knowledge spill over? The answer to these questions we suggest lies in the incentives confronting scientists to appropriate the expected value of their knowledge considered in the context of their path-dependent...
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To facilitate the transformation of the German economy from the traditional manufacturing industries towards emerging new technologies, a new segment of the Frankfurt exchange was introduced in 1997 - Der Neue Markt. This study provides evidence that not only did many new firms obtain funding...
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To facilitate the transformation of the German economy from the traditional manufacturing industries towards emerging new technologies, a new segment of the Frankfurt exchange was introduced in 1997 - Der Neue Markt. This study provides evidence that not only did many new firms obtain funding...
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This study examines the prevalence and determinants of the commercialization of research by the top twenty percent of university scientists funded by grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Because the two publicly available modes of scientist commercialization - patents and Small...
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Globalization brings both good and bad job news. The bad news is that jobs will be outsourced from high-cost developed countries into lower-cost locations as soon as the associated economic activity becomes mechanized and predictable. The good news is that globalization creates opportunities...
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