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The literature on "Innovation Systems" is divided into several directories. Dif- ferences occur through the definition … effects of cooperative innovation activities and analyzes furthermore how dif- ferent dimensions of regional knowledge affect … the regional effects on coopera- tive innovation activities. We find evidence that the related variety of knowl- edge …
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In this paper, we analyze the extent to which low-income countries integrate into the global knowledge production network. We develop an (undirected) research collaboration model based on which we identify the drivers of global research collaboration using publication data of the field Business...
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At least since Schumpeter published his work "The Theory of Economic Development" (1912), a wide body of literature has focused on the evolutionary process behind firm growth and survival. Recently a growing interest is devoted to the variable "location" as a critical factor, shaping firm...
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Cluster policies aim at improving collaboration between co-located actors to address systemic failures. As yet, cluster policy evaluations are mainly concerned with effects on firm performance. Some recent studies move to the system level by assessing how the structure of actor-based knowledge...
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approach that focusses on complex processes driven by endogenous innovation as well as crisis. The theoretical considerations … economics of self-organization of dynamic markets by ignorant actors -- Firms Navigating Through Innovation Spaces: A … Conceptualization -- A Proposal for a ‘National Innovation System plus Subjective Well Being’ Approach and an Evolutionary Systemic …
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We study the effects of a German national cluster policy on the structure of collaboration networks. The empirical analysis is based on original data that was collected in fall 2011 and late summer 2013 with cluster actors (firms and public research organizations) who received government...
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