Showing 1 - 10 of 136
Reformen (am Beispiel der Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland) beurteilt werden? Gibt es einen Reformstau im Gesundheitswesen in …
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Deutschland kommt es somit umso mehr darauf an, den Unternehmen attraktive Standorteigenschaften zu bieten. -- International und … Bedeutung sind, in welche Richtung in Deutschland ein Programm zur Standortstärkung und zur Überwindung der Wachstumsschwäche … zielen müsste, welche Auswirkungen Investitionen deutscher Firmen im Ausland auf die Beschäftigung in Deutschland haben …
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The paper evaluates the German health care reform of 1997, using the individual number of doctor visits as outcome measure. A new econometric model, the Probit-Poisson-log-normal model with correlated errors, describes the data better than existing count data models. Moreover, it has an...
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The apprenticeship system is the most important source of formal post-secondary training in Germany. Our paper …
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The paper studies the demand for foreign graduates at the firm level. Using a unique dataset on recruitment policies of firms in four European countries, the determinants of demand for internationally mobile high-skilled employees are established. I investigate the number, origin, skills, and...
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The macro evidence of increased adjustment pressure since the early seventies suggests that job mobility should have increased. Hence, retrospective and spell data from the German Socio-Economic Panel are combined in order to test the hypothesis that job stability for German workers declined...
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Sorting of people on the labor market not only assures the most productive use of valuable skills but also generates individual utility gains if people experience an optimal match between job characteristics and their preferences. Based on individual data on subjective well-being it is possible...
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We propose a new non-linear regression model for rating dependent variables. The rating scale model accounts for the upper and lower bounds of ratings. Parametric and semi-parametric estimation is discussed. An application investigates the relationship between stated health satisfaction and...
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