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the tournament. This decision not to offset a potential loss through hedging did not pay off in people's happiness … following an England win. It was, however, associated with a sharp decrease in people's happiness following an England loss …. Post-match happiness is relatively more stable among those who chose to hedge or were randomly allocated to hedge. We …
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This paper uses the wellbeing valuation (WV) approach to estimate and monetize the wellbeing impacts of informal care provision on caregivers. Using nationally representative longitudinal data from the U.K., we address two challenging methodological issues related to the economic valuation of...
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This paper provides an empirical test of the rational addiction model, used in economics to model individuals' consumption of addictive substances, versus the utility misprediction model, used in psychology to explain the discrepancy between people's decision and their subsequent experiences. By...
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This paper documents a longitudinal crisis of midlife among the inhabitants of rich nations. Yet middle-aged citizens in our data sets are close to their peak earnings, have typically experienced little or no illness, reside in some of the safest countries in the world, and live in the most...
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significantly moderated by an increase in happiness for the person making the judgment. …
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Economics ignores the possibility of hedonic adaptation (the idea that people bounce back from utility shocks). This paper argues that economists are wrong to do so. It provides longitudinal evidence that individuals who become disabled go on to exhibit recovery in mental wellbeing. Adaptation...
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paper explores how happiness regression equations might be used in tort cases to calculate compensatory damages for …
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