Showing 1 - 10 of 320
use of measures of underlying inflation to formulate monetary policy and assist in forecasting observed inflation. Recent … measures of underlying inflation built from more traditional methods. The power to forecast headline inflation over horizons of …
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-known residual-based test for cointegration in linear models by Engle and Granger (1987) and obtain its nonlinear analogue. We derive … cointegration, whereas the linear-based tests fail to do so. Further analysis of impulse response functions of error correction …
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This paper proposes a simple direct testing procedure to distinguish a linear unit root process from a globally stationary three-regime self-exciting threshold autoregressive process. We derive the asymptotic null distribution of the Wald statistic, and show that it does not depend on unknown...
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This paper suggests a new nonparametric testing procedure for determining the rank of nonstationary multivariate cointegrated systems. The asymptotic properties of the procedure are determined and a Monte Carlo study is carried out
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The online Supplement presents the proof the auxiliary Lemmas 1-6, the entire set of tables with results from the Monte Carlo and the empirical studies, and further discussion on selected topics.Full paper is available at: ''
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We address the issue of modelling and forecasting macroeconomic variables using rich datasets by adopting the class of Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) models. We overcome the estimation issue that arises with this class of models by implementing an iterative ordinary least squares...
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method to the extraction of core inflation and forecasting of UK inflation in the recent past. …
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method to the extraction of core inflation and forecasting of UK inflation in the recent past …
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Recent work in the macroeconometric literature considers the problem of summarising efficiently a large set of variables and using this summary for a variety of purposes including forecasting. Work in this field has been carried out in a series of recent papers. This paper provides an...
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Standard measures of prices are often contaminated by transitory shocks. This has prompted economists to suggest the use of measures of underlying in?ation to formulate monetary policy and assist in forecasting observed in?ation. Recent work has concentrated on modelling large datasets using...
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