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China's expansionary economic policy toward Western countries was not predicted only in Washington but also in the EU. As expected, the EU became aware of the fact that China is a tough competitor, redesigning not only the world economy but also challenging Europe under the 17+1 and the Belt and...
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gegenwärtige Handelskonflikt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in den USA über ein mögliches Decoupling diskutiert - also eine …
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Russia and China are assumed to challenge democratization and to promote autocracy. In a first step, we analyze Central … Asia as the most-likely case, considering both Russia and China as relevant external actors. We develop a concept for our … analysis based on the different strategies of Russia (dominance) and China (doing-business) towards the region and present the …
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Am 3. November 2020 entscheidet sich, ob Donald Trump ein zweites Mal zum US-Präsidenten gewählt wird. Er hat seinen Wahlkampfslogan »Make America Great Again« rigoros verfolgt. Im Zuge dessen wurden diplomatische Konventionen gebrochen und jahrzehntealte internationale Verträge für...
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The idea that US power underpins international security remains deeply anchored in today's US political elite. Ultimately, this idea also lies at the heart of US-led alliances, including NATO. But the three pillars of Pax Americana - US military strength, the country's economic openness and the...
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According to official statements, the main purpose of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue ("Quad") is to intensify cooperation between the four partner countries - Australia, India, Japan and the United States - in tackling urgent challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. These include climate...
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Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as well as in China. For each country, it provides a forecast relating to GDP growth, inflation … positive growth figures recorded by the global economy as a whole. Central and Eastern Europe, together with Russia, Ukraine … instability. Finally, despite high GDP growth, structural distortions still characterize both Russia and Ukraine, whose economies …
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