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This paper compares Cournot and Bertrand equilibria in a downstream differentiated duopoly in which the input price … that the standard result that Cournot equilibrium profits exceed those under Bertrand competition - when the differentiated … duopoly game is played in imperfect substitutes - is reversible. Whether equilibrium profits are higher under Cournot or …
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that, according to the value of θ, the market can reach a very large set of symmetric equilibria. Both the Bertrand and … the Cournot outcomes can emerge as equilibria of the game. In addition to these the price game can determine an …
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Bertrand equilibria are in continuous mixed strategies, while every Cournot duopoly has an equilibrium in pure strategies, or …In a two-market Bertrand duopoly,each of two firms chooses one of two markets and a price in that market. All four … choices are made simultaneously. In a two-market Cournot duopoly, the firms choose quantities rather than prices.It is well …
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competition than under Cournot competition, implying that the classical result of Singh and Vives (1984) that Bertrand prices are …Hackner (2000) shows that in a differentiated oligopoly with more than two firms , prices may be higher under Bertrand … always lower than Cournot prices is sensitive to the duopoly assumption. Hackner (2000), however, leaves unanswered the …
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Cartels are inherently instable. Each cartelist is best off if it breaks the cartel, while the remain-ing firms remain loyal. If firms interact only once, if products are homogenous, if firms compete in price, and if marginal cost is constant, theory even predicts that strategic interaction...
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We revisit the classic comparison between Bertrand and Cournot outcomes in a mixed market with private and public firms … differentiated duopoly setting, partial privatization always improves welfare in Cournot but not necessarily in Bertrand competition. …-maximizing public firm's price is strictly lower while its output is strictly higher in Cournot competition. And whereas the private …
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This paper deals with capacity constrained price competition in a duopoly model. The model resembles that in Kreps and Scheinkman (1983), but the timing of the investment/capacity choice is endogenous. In equilibrium, one of the firms will invest to become the Stackelberg leader, although the...
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allow for elastic demand functions. A Bertrand-type model and a Cournot-type model are considered. If firms choose location … in Cournot than Bertrand under the whole parameters’ set. We also study the impact of firms’ location on perfect …
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. The model also points out that the intense competition associated with Bertrand-like settings depends largely on the …
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The purpose of this article is to analyze how the presence of a competitive fringe, composed by price taker firms, can affect the sustainability of collusive equilibria. Our starting point is that there exists a diffused misunderstanding about its strategical role as collusive minus factor. We...
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