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the threshold mechanism the impact of several factors (experience, communication and the form of experiment) on voluntary …
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We analyse the possibility of successful industry self-regulation in terms of the strategic interactions between industry members and government. In particular, this paper presents a game-theoretic typology of generic self-regulatory scenarios and evaluates these in terms of the resulting...
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Game theory provides predictions of behavior in many one-shot games. On the other hand, most experimenters usually play …
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basic game theory helps characterize the strategic interdependencies among terrorists and governments. …
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We study pure redistribution as a device to increase cooperation and efficiency in the provision of public goods. Experimental subjects play a two-stage game. The first stage is the standard linear public goods game. In the second stage, subjects can redistribute payoffs among other subjects in...
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In this paper, we study the effectiveness of intergroup competition in promoting cooperative behavior. We focus on intergroup competition that is non-rival in the sense that everyone can be a winner. This type of competition does not give groups an incentive to outcompete others. However, in...
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We report an experiment comparing sequential and simultaneous contributions to a public good in a quasi-linear two …
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We test if cooperation is promoted by rank-order competition between groups in which all groups can be ranked first, i.e. when everyone can be a winner. This type of rank-order competition has the advantage that it can eliminate the negative externality a group's performance imposes on other...
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Standard game theoretic models predict, based on subgame perfection, that public goods will not be provided even if agents are allowed to monitor free riders at some cost. Further, because punishment is not credible in these environments, this prediction is invariant to the size of groups....
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We use a laboratory experiment to investigate the behavioral effects of obligations that are not backed by binding … and asymmetric minimum contribution levels (obligations) in a repeated public goods experiment. The results provide …
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