Showing 91 - 100 of 906
A new class of risk measures called cash sub-additive risk measures is introduced to assess the risk of future financial, nonfinancial and insurance positions. The debated cash additive axiom is relaxed into the cash sub-additive axiom to preserve the original difference between the numeraire of...
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This paper studies the term structure implications of a simple structural economy in which the representative agent displays ambiguity aversion, modeled by Multiple Priors Recursive Utility. Bond excess returns reflect a premium for ambiguity, which is observationally distinct from the risk...
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This article studies four transform pricing methods in the context of general equilibrium (GE) framework. The four methods, viz. the Esscher transform, indifference pricing, the Wang transform, and the standard deviation loading, are popular among actuarial literature and practice. The transform...
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We investigate American options in a multiple prior setting of continuous time and determine optimal exercise strategies form the perspective of an ambiguity averse buyer. The multiple prior setting relaxes the presumption of a known distribution of the stock price process and captures the idea...
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We introduce a notion of volatility uncertainty in discrete time and define the corresponding analogue of Pengs G-expectation. In the continuous-time limit, the resulting sublinear expectation converges weakly to the G-expectation. This can be seen as a Donsker-type result for the G-Brownian...
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In a complete financial market every contingent claim can be hedged perfectly. In an incomplete market it is possible to stay on the safe side by superhedging. But such strategies may require a large amount of initial capital. Here we study the question what an investor can do who is unwilling...
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An investor faced with a contingent claim may eliminate risk by (super-)hedging in a financial market. As this is often quite expensive, we study partial hedges, which require less capital and reduce the risk. In a previous paper we determined quantile hedges which succeed with maximal...
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Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) were among the driving forces of the rapid growth of the market for credit derivatives in recent years. Possibly the most popular model beside the Gaussian copula for pricing CDO tranches is the Random-Factor-Loading-Model of Andersen and Sidenius...
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We analyze the impact of funding costs and margin requirements on prices of index options traded on the CBOE. We propose a model that gives upper and lower bounds for option prices in the absence of arbitrage in an incomplete market with differential borrowing and lending rates. We show that...
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We study the nonparametric calibration of exponential, self-decomposable Lévy models whose jump density can be characterized by the k-function, which is typically nonsmooth at zero. On the one hand the estimation of the drift, the activity measure a := k(0+) + k(0-) and analog parameters for...
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