Showing 1 - 10 of 109
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the information content in the Standard & Poor (S&P) 500 index revision and its impact on the corporate bonds and earnings of the firms whose stocks are added to or deleted from the index. Design/methodology/approach: The paper uses panel...
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Financial markets are typically characterized by high (low) price level and low (high) volatility during boom (bust) periods, suggesting that price and volatility tend to move together with different market conditions/states. By proposing a simple heterogeneous agent model of fundamentalists and...
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We investigate the existence of affine realizations for interest rate term structure models driven by Levy processes. Using as numeraire the growth optimal portfolio, we model the interest rate term structure under the real-world probability measure, and hence, we do not need the existence of an...
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A typical gas sales agreement (GSA) also called a gas swing contract, is an agreement between a supplier and a purchaser for the delivery of variable daily quantities of gas, between specified minimum and maximum daily limits, over a certain number of years at a specified set of contract prices....
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This paper extends the analysis of the seminal paper of Brock and Hommes (1998) on heterogeneous beliefs and routes to chaos in a simple asset price model in discrete-time to a model in continuous-time. The resulting model characterized mathematically by a system of stochastic delay differential...
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In this paper we model a financial market composed of agents with heterogeneous beliefs who change their strategy over time. We propose two different solution methods which lead to two different types of endogenous dynamics. The first makes use of the maximum entropy approach to obtain an...
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This paper proposes a framework for pricing credit derivatives within the defaultable Markovian HJM framework featuring unspanned stochastic volatility. Motivated by empirical evidence, hump-shaped level dependent stochastic volatility specifications are proposed, such that the model admits...
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In this paper we consider the pricing of an American call option whose underlying asset dynamics evolve under the influence of two independent stochastic volatility processes of the Heston (1993) type. We derive the associated partial differential equation (PDE) of the option price using hedging...
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