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Provides a framework for understanding the relationships between alternative cointegrating estimators with special attention given to single equation procedures. The approach consists of augmenting the long‐run model with general short‐run dynamic specifications and identifying the specific...
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Volatility smiles arise in currency option markets when empirical exchange rate returns distributions exhibit leptokurtosis. This feature of empirical distributions is symptomatic of turbulent periods when exchange rate movements are in excess of movements based on the assumption of normality....
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A general parametric framework is developed for pricing S&P500 options. Skewness and leptokurtosis in stock returns as well as time-varying volatility are priced. The parametric pricing model nests the Black-Scholes model and can explain volatility smiles and skews in stock options. The data...
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This paper applies recent tests of stochastic dominance of several orders proposed by Linton, Maasoumi and Whang (2003) to reexamine the equity premium puzzle. An advantage of this nonparametric framework is that it provides a means to assess whether the existence of a premium is due to an...
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A stochastic frontier model incorporating inefficiency effects has been employed to analyse the efficiency of agricultural production in the Central Region of Thailand. The agricultural land area, the number of people employed in the agricultural sector, and the amount of fertilisers used in...
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George Stigler, as much if not more than his colleague Milton Friedman, greatly shaped the direction of economics in the post-war era. Part of his ability to do so lay in his critical responses to views that opposed his own fiercely held framework. This paper attempts to supply a consistent...
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Full employment is a necessary prerequisite before the gains from international trade can be specified. Yet the assumption of full employment is seldom acknowledged by economists when advancing policy advice, and nor is it made clear in the policy infrastructure of such bodies as the WTO. The...
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