Showing 1 - 10 of 391
This paper illustrates the effects of item-nonresponse in surveys on the results of multivariate statistical analysis when estimation of productivity is the task. To multiply impute the missing data a data augmentation algorithm based on a normal/Wishart model is applied. Data of the German IAB...
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In this paper, we remove one serious drawback of the IAB employment sample impeding its applicability to the estimation of earnings frontiers: the censoring of the income data, by multiple imputation. Then, we estimate individual potential income with stochastic earnings frontiers, and we...
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In order to analyze the gender wage gap with the German IAB-employment sample we have to solve the problem of censored wages at the upper limit of the social security system. We treat this problem as a missing data problem. We regard the missingness mechanism as not missing at random (NMAR,...
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Methods for the analysis of linked employer-employee data are not yet available in standard econometrics packages. In this paper, we make the fixed-effects methods developed orginally by Abowd, Kramarz, Margolis and others more accessible, where possible, and show how they can be implemented in...
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Sweave combines typesetting with LATEX and data anlysis with S into integrated statistical documents. When run through R or Splus, all data analysis output (tables, graphs, ...) is created on the fly and inserted into a final LATEX document.(...)
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In order to circumvent common difficulties in exchanging statistical data between heterogeneous applications (format incompatibilities, technocentric data representation), we introduce an XML-based markup language for statistical data, called StatDataML. After comparing StatDataML to other data...
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This paper shows how information about payments contained in normal market based data can be used by retailers. A possible strukture of hypotheses explaining consumers' payment behavior is described and a sample hypothesis is created and tested with actual market basket data. Knowledge of this...
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This paper provides a systematic empirical analysis of the effects of merger and acquisitionactivity on profitability and firm level employee remuneration in the United Kingdom, using a speciallyconstructed database for the period 1979-1991...
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This paper illustrates the effects of item-nonresponse in surveys on the results of multivariate statistical analysis when estimation of productivity is the task. To multiply impute the missing data a data augmentation algorithm based on a normal/Wishart model is applied. Data of the German IAB...
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When evaluating a pilot or demonstration program, there are risks from drawing inferences from a single test. This paper reviews the experiences of replication efforts from demonstrations using randomized controlled trials in the initial evaluation and the replications. Although replications of...
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