Showing 1 - 10 of 1,119
Building upon the works of Gilboa (1989), Shalev (1997) and De Waegenaere andWakker (2001), we show that a simple version of variation aversion, jointly witha myopia axiom allows to derive in an infinite setting a meaningful expressionfor evaluating income streams. Furthermore, we prove that...
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We set up a neoclassical growth model extended by a corporate sector, aninvestment and finance decision of firms, and a set of taxes on capital income. We provideanalytical dynamic scoring of taxes on corporate income, dividends, capital gains, otherprivate capital income, and depreciation...
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The provision of outsourcing services creates relationships between knowledge vested with thesupplier and the viability of outsourcing arrangements. Knowledge accumulation by theoutsourcee can reach a level where it poses a market entry or takeover risk to the outsourcer.Knowledge translates...
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By using a large new panel of individual data, including objective measures of workerperformance, we provide some of the most rigorous evidence to date on several relateddimensions of enduring debates surrounding upward-sloping earnings-tenure profiles...
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In this paper I review the empirical evidence on the effects of incarceration on thesubsequent employment and earnings of less-educated young prisoners...
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This paper explores the question: is working as a child harmful to an individual in terms ofadult outcomes in earnings? Though an extremely important question, little is known aboutthe effect of child labor on adult outcomes...
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Evidently, the benefit-structure of the unemployment insurance has a significant influence onprofits and trade union utility. We show for a wage bargaining model that a stronger earningsrelationship of unemployment benefits may reduce wages and increase employment. Thisraises the question as to...
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In an evaluation of a job-training program, the influence of the program on the individualearnings capacity is important, because it reflects the program effect on human capital.Estimating these effects is complicated because earnings are observed for employedindividuals only, and employment is...
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We look at the effect of the 2000 repeal of the earnings test above the normal retirement age(NRA) on retirement expectations of male workers in the Health and Retirement Study(HRS). Using administrative records on Social Security benefit entitlements linked to the HRSsurvey data, we can...
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The March Current Population Survey (CPS) is the primary data source for estimation oflevels and trends in labor earnings and income inequality in the USA. Time-inconsistencyproblems related to top coding in theses data have led many researchers to use the ratio ofthe 90th and 10th percentiles...
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