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This paper analyses the impact of loan market competition on the interest rates applied by euro area banks to loans and deposits during the 1994-2004 period, using a novel measure of competition called the Boone indicator. We find evidence that stronger competition implies significantly lower...
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This paper analyzes mean reversion in international stock markets during the period 1900-2008, using annual data. Our panel of stock indexes in seventeen developed countries, covering a time span of more than a century, allows us to analyze in detail the dynamics of the mean-reversion process....
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This paper examines competitive conditions and market structure in the banking industry, and investigates their interrelationship. Competition is measured using the non-structural Panzar-Rosse model, which assesses the elasticities of interest revenues with respect to changes in banks' input...
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This paper examines competitive conditions and market structure in the banking industry, and inves- tigates their interrelationship. Competition is measured using the non-structural Panzar-Rosse model, which assesses the elasticities of interest revenues with respect to changes in banks' input...
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The traditional gravity model has been applied many times to international trade flows, especially in order to analyze trade creation and trade diversion. However, there are two fundamental objections to the model: it cannot describe substitutions between flows and it lacks a cogent theoretical...
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Measures of concentration and competition are of vital importance for welfare-related public policy toward market structure and conduct in the banking industry. Theoretical characteristics of ten market concentration measures are discussed and numerical examples illustrate differences and...
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The proposed risk sensitive minimum requirements of the new Basel Capital Accord have raised concerns about possible (acceleration of) procyclical behaviour of banking, which might threat en macroeconomic stability. This article analyses the interaction between business cycles and banks over the...
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The introduction of the Euro in EMU is enhancing international competition between European banks, forcing banks to become more efficient. Which countries will be effected the most? The stochastic cost frontier approach is used to estimate the X-efficiency of the European banks, and a...
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