Showing 286,421 - 286,430 of 289,357
Economists have studied the potential effects of shifts in the age distribution on the unemployment rate for more than 50 years. Most of this analysis uses a "shift-share" method, which assumes that the demographic structure has no indirect effects on age-specific unemployment rates. This paper...
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For the first time, a genealogical mass database is used to determine multigenerational socio-economic mobility of up to eight contiguous generations. The example of Germany (1600-1900) shows that in an AR(1) model, higher multigenerational stability of socio-economic status is measured the more...
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This study proposes a Bayesian approach for exact finite-sample inference of an instrument-free estimation method that builds upon joint estimation using copulas to deal with endogenous covariates. Although copula approaches with applications to handle regressor-endogeneity have been frequently...
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This article has examined the operating cost inefficiencies and economies of scale of Tunisian public water services. We have examined the stochastic frontier model and the fixed effects model. Thus, as formulated, the inefficiency term remains in the model and the fixed effect is intended only...
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Unlike many countries, Egypt did not experience significant labor market improvements following trade liberalization. In this paper, we build upon the earlier work of Robertson et al. (2021) to investigate why increased Egyptian exports did not directly increase employment. To illustrate the...
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The behavioral revolution within economics has been largely driven by psychological insights, with the sister sciences playing a lesser role. This study leverages insights from sociology to explore the role of neighborhoods on human capital formation at an early age. We do so by estimating the...
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Estimates of the number of people living in extreme poverty, as reported by the World Bank, figure prominently in international development dialogue and policy. An assumption underpinning these poverty counts is that there are no economies of scale in household size a family of six needs three...
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The matching efficiency of the standard matching function is known to follow a pro-cyclical pattern. An observed rightward shift in the UK's Beveridge Curve after the Great Recession, suggests a decrease in the matching efficiency between vacancies and unemployed workers. This paper studies the...
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Carbon pricing initiatives, designed to increase the relative prices of greenhouse gas-intensive goods and services, could not only push up CPI inflation but also affect its volatility. Existing empirical literature has only found that carbon pricing schemes are generally associated to a...
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We analyze the effectiveness of the German tax reduction on fuel prices (‘Tankrabatt’) that was introduced for three months, starting on 1 June 2022. Using the synthetic control method to compare actual prices of gasoline and diesel to those in a counterfactual situation without the tax...
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