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This paper re-estimates the constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) specification of aggregate production function using newly constructed annual data on physical and human capital stocks for a panel of 134 countries observed over the period 1960-2011. In our estimation, we allow parameters to...
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This paper performs a nonlinear estimation of a normalized CES production function within a system of equations with a panel of Spanish regions for the period 1964-2013. It obtains an elasticity of substitution below one and identifies different rates of factor-augmenting technical progress. The...
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We use a CES production function with no restrictions on technical bias to derive relationships between the growth in relative factor shares and (i) the capital to labor ratio and (ii) the ratio of marginal products. These relationships constitute a parsimonious specification used to identify...
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We analyze and compare the patterns of economic growth and development in China, Korea, and Japan in the post-war period. The geographical proximity and cultural affinity between the three countries, as well as the key role of the development state in the economies, suggest that an analytical...
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This paper deals with the Czech economy supply side performance from the macroeconomic point of view. In order to evaluate the supply side behaviour we calculate the potential output dynamic path and contribution of its particular determinants using the production function method. The results...
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In this paper, we apply the aggregate production function to approximate the path of potential output and decompose it into its determinants. Based on the decomposition we evaluate the supply side performance from a macroeconomic perspective. We use a time-varying NAIRU to derive the amount of...
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The paper sets a goal to assess the significance of production progress and human capital for the Latvian economy and to estimate long-term growth rates of the country's economic development. The authors made an attempt to construct a production function using non-linear modelling. In order to...
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The Cobb-Douglas production function is often used to analyse the supply-side performance and measurement of a country’s productive potential. This functional form, however, includes the assumption of a constant share of labor in output, which may be too restrictive for a converging country....
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We construct 14 alternative measures of technological progress for 19 OECD countries over the period 1970–2000, distinguishing between measures of productivity gains actually obtained in a given country (TFP growth, Malmquist index) and technological progress at the world technology frontier...
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The ICT-based techno-economic paradigm shift was sharpened by income inequalities in all over the world. The economic performance of USA and Europe were seemed to more different thanks to global economic events. The main purpose of this study is to estimate various macroeconomic variables such...
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