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SME database AMADEUS, which includes ten European countries. First, we apply probit models to investigate whether the …
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procurement, particularly when mediated by the demand-pull effect, may lower a company’s funding constraints for innovation. We …
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SME database AMADEUS, which includes ten European countries. First, we apply probit models to investigate whether the …
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). For this purpose, we build a combined procurement company data set from the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) and the SME …Wir untersuchen, ob die Finanzkraft von Unternehmen, insbesondere Klein- und Mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU … konstruieren wir aus der Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) und der KMU-Datenbank AMADEUS einen kombinierten Beschaffungs …
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procurement, particularly when mediated by the demand-pull effect, may lower a company's funding constraints for innovation. We …
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procurement, particularly when mediated by the demand-pull effect, may lower a company’s funding constraints for innovation. We …
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This paper studies the interaction between financially constrained and financially strong firms on a procurement market. It characterizes and discusses a procurement agency's optimal response when faced with financially asymmetric firms. By considering a dynamic setting, both present and future...
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In this paper, we attempt to explore the extent to which the hard won development gains over the last several years could be reversed due to the unfolding COVID-19 global pandemic, how we can reboot the global response to accelerate the SDGs in times of uncertainties, and most importantly how to...
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