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In this paper, we calculate the necessary payroll tax to reach the financial equilibrium of the retirement system for formal workers in the private sector in Brazil (INSS). Such an exercise allows us to identify the formal employees who contribute to the increase of the INSS deficit. Although we...
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In the analysis of economic stability an important part is owned by consumer prices. The present study is devoted to an analysis of the evolution of CPI and inflation rate in the Rumanian economy. The analysis uses annual and monthly series for the period January 2000 - December 2010.
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A prática de incentivos fiscais à inovação é comumente adotada por diversos países com objetivo de estimular as formas na realização de atividades tecnológicas, sendo especialmente dirigidos as atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D). O uso generalizado desses incentivos culminou...
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State owned enterprises and fiscal adjustment: an analysis of the contribution of the federal companies to macroeconomic equilibrium - This article expose a historical and empirical analysis of the transformations in the administration of the Brazilian state owned enterprises during the last 20...
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In the paper there are presented the main negative effects of the world crisis revealed by the analysis performed in SMEs, there are references to some approaches at the international level, and there are formulated some solutions to combat the crisis and relaunch the SME sector in Romania.
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La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée est un impôt indirect, ayant une large applicabilité dans le monde, mais avec de grandes différences d’un pays à l’autre. Notre recherche a comme support informel le cadre législatif et la pratique dans certains pays européens. Notre propos est de...
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The fiscal policy construction developped at national level is focused on the maintenance of the macroeconomic stability process in order to achieve the nominal and real convergence criteria concerning the membership of the Romanian economy to the European Union integrated monetary space. The...
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This article uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) framework to study exchange rate pass-through to producer and consumer prices in Brasil. We identify two long-run and one short-run relations in data. We calculate the impulse-response function of domestic prices to exchange rate shock....
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In the 1990s the idea that capital account liberalization represented a mechanism for disciplining the conduction of the monetary policy in the search for price stability was developed. Based on this argument a new version of Gruben e McLeod's (2001) model and an empirical analysis were made for...
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This paper evaluates, as proposed by Laxton and N’Diaye (2002), if the consideration of a measure of monetary policy credibility in the forecast of the Brazilian Phillips Curve, after the introduction of inflation targeting, implies an improvement. The findings denote that the use of a measure...
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