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Several regional technology and innovation strategy documents have been written covering every region within Finland in recent years. However, the approaches, methods and semantics used in those documents vary considerably. This variation has made it difficult to compare them with each other....
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The Ministry of Finance commissioned a report from Etlatieto Ltd on maritime operating conditions, competitiveness and the adaptability of this sector. The competitiveness of cargo ship has significantly improved when mixed-nationality crews were allowed and the Tonnage Tax Act went into force....
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Tässä raportissa tutkitaan yrityspalveluja, jolla tarkoitetaan kaikkia yritysten toisille yrityksille tarjoamia palveluita. Palvelusektorin lamanjälkeinen rakennemuutos on ollut voimakas. Sitä ajavina voimina ovat olleet kansainvälistyminen, teknologinen kehitys sekä innovatiivisten...
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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, missä määrin Suomen muita EU- ja OECD-maita korkeamman kuluttajahintatason syynä on palvelualojen kilpailun puute, kilpailukyvyn puute tai muut tekijät. Hintamarginaalimittarilla ja ns. Boonen mittarilla arvioiden Suomen useimpien palvelualojen kilpailun...
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The Ministry of Finance commissioned a report from Etlatieto Ltd on maritime operating conditions, competitiveness and the adaptability of this sector. The competitiveness of cargo ship has significantly improved when mixed-nationality crews were allowed and the Tonnage Tax Act went into force....
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In the globalized world economy the crucial issue is locational competition - where internationally competitive firms invest and locate their high value-added production. The policy challenge is to enhance firms' capabilities to create firm-specific competitive advantages linked to certain...
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