Showing 1 - 10 of 41
T&k:lle mahdollisesti suunnattavien verokannustimien vaikutusten arviointi etukäteen on vaikeaa, koska järjestelmän yksityiskohtia ei ole tiedossa ja eri toimijoiden reaktioihin liittyy epävarmuutta. Tässä raportissa sovellettu lähestymistapa perustuu yrityskyselyihin sekä tulosten...
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In the report we analyse the reasons for the weakness of Finland’s economic performance over the past decade and assess the growth prospects in the coming 5 years. The weakness of Finland’s performance relative to comparative EU-countries since 2009 can largely be explained by the collapse...
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In this paper, we describe key problems of the current EU's fiscal framework and offer constructive alternatives to reforming it. A comprehensive reassessment of the rules is necessary, as the development of the rules has reached an impasse for both political and technical reasons. In our view,...
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In this paper, we describe key problems of the current EU's fiscal framework and offer constructive alternatives to reforming it. A comprehensive reassessment of the rules is necessary, as the development of the rules has reached an impasse for both political and technical reasons. In our view,...
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Keskuspankit ovat perinteisesti laskeneet liikkeeseen seteleitä yleisön käytettäviksi. Digitalisaation myötä setelit alkavat olla teknisesti vanhentunut maksuväline, ja jotkut keskuspankit ovat harkinneet vähittäismaksamiseen soveltuvaa elektronista keskuspankkirahaa. Elektroninen...
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This study analyses those country characteristics, which lead those regions to become as productive operation and innovation environments for firms and research centres. This study shows that those countries who invest wisely to develop their innovation environment will be successful in high...
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European Union and the United States have decided to start negotiations over a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Among other things, the agreement would include a reduction in trade and investment barriers as well as barriers against participation in public procurement projects. If...
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