Showing 1 - 10 of 15
The amount of work done in the economy has been subject to a lot of debate in Finland recently. Unemployment is considered a major problem. On the other hand, extending annual working time receives little support. In fact, a widely held view is that one should reduce the working time of the...
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This paper describes the main features of a model developed for fore-casting economic developments, energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions in the EU area and Finland as well as for simulating the economic impacts of EU climate policy. Climate policy analysis necessitates a model of the whole...
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This paper describes the main features of a model developed for fore-casting economic developments, energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions in the EU area and Finland as well as for simulating the economic impacts of EU climate policy. Climate policy analysis necessitates a model of the whole...
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The data were collected via a web-based survey tool in the autumn of 2006. The study takes into consideration the viewpoint of VC investors as it focuses on Finnish VC companies (private sector VCs), public sector VC organisations and informal investors (business angels). An effort was made to...
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Translation of 'Soft-wars' by Teppo Saari (Finnish): Pääoma valtana -viitekehys, jonka on kehittänyt Jonathan Nitzan ja Shimshon Bichler, esittää että liiketoiminnan tavoite ei ole ‘liikevoiton maksimointi’ vaan differentiaalinen yhteiskunnallisen vallan akkumulointi. Tätä...
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We study the use of pension funds in the Finnish earnings-related pension system with the aim of smoothing contributions over time under demographic and economic risks. Smoothing is affected by the revisions in long-term forecasts and is thus imperfect. As a partially funded defined-benefit...
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Suomen Pankin projekti "Suomalaiset maksutavat 2010" ennakoi suomalaisten maksutottumusten olevan suurten muutosten edessä. Muutosten syitä ovat muun muassa eurooppalaisten maksujärjestelmien integroituminen ja standardoituminen, maksupalveluja koskevan lainsäädännön ja sääntelyn...
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Tutkimuksessa kehitetään kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen ennustami-seen ja päästörajoituspolitiikan vaikutusten arviointiin soveltuvaa mallia Suomelle ja suurille EU-maille. Energian kulutukseen ja päästöihin vaikuttavat mallissa talouden suhdanteet ja säätilan muutokset. Tuotannon kasvu...
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There are over 3 billion searches globally on Google every day. This report examines whether Google search queries can be used to predict the present and the near future unemployment rate in Finland. Predicting the present and the near future is of interest, as the official records of the state...
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This report examines whether Google search queries can be used to predict the present and the near future house prices in Finland. Compared to a simple benchmark model, Google searches improve the prediction of the present house price index by 7.5 % measured by mean absolute error. In addition,...
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