Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Helsingin seudun ja Uudenmaan tuotannon ja työllisyyden kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin koko Suomen. Samaan aikaan erikoistuminen on vähentynyt. Tuotantorakenne muistuttaa nyt huomattavasti enemmän koko Suomen tuotantorakennetta kuin aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Silti erikoistuminen liike-elämän...
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. The findings do not provide clear evidence of a slowdown in the diffusion process. We also analyze whether frontier firms …
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This report studies start-ups and entrepreneurship particularly in services. The report is largely based on a survey targeted to Finnish businesses established in October 2003. The Finnish total entrepreneurial activity is relatively low in international comparison. Furthermore, established...
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This report studies start-ups and entrepreneurship particularly in services. The report is largely based on a survey targeted to Finnish businesses established in October 2003. The Finnish total entrepreneurial activity is relatively low in international comparison. Furthermore, established...
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The study analyses the price formation and market functionality of the Finnish food chain. A significant portion of the report consists of international comparisons. The main comparison countries are the so-called old EU countries (EU15) of Western Europe, the new EU countries (EU12) and the...
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Suomen Pankin projekti "Suomalaiset maksutavat 2010" ennakoi suomalaisten maksutottumusten olevan suurten muutosten edessä. Muutosten syitä ovat muun muassa eurooppalaisten maksujärjestelmien integroituminen ja standardoituminen, maksupalveluja koskevan lainsäädännön ja sääntelyn...
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The study analyses the price formation and market functionality of the Finnish food chain. A significant portion of the report consists of international comparisons. The main comparison countries are the so-called old EU countries (EU15) of Western Europe, the new EU countries (EU12) and the...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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The report examines the dynamics of company size classes in Finland and the relationship between growth barriers and company size. It investigates how Finnish companies have moved between different company size categories from 2008 to 2020, categorizing them based on both the number of employees...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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