Showing 1 - 10 of 44
This study analyzes the sustainability implications of demographic and investment risks in the Finnish private sector pension system (TyEL). The results show that current contribution rate is likely to be too low to finance the future higher expenditure. The main sustainability problem is not,...
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We study the use of pension funds in the Finnish earnings-related pension system with the aim of smoothing contributions over time under demographic and economic risks. Smoothing is affected by the revisions in long-term forecasts and is thus imperfect. As a partially funded defined-benefit...
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Tarkastelemme vapaaehtoisen eläkevakuutussäästämisen ja sen verotuksen vaikutusta eläkkeelle siirtymiseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa kuvataan ensin, miten eläkevakuutussäästämisen verokohtelu vaikutti eläkkeelle siirtymisen taloudellisiin kannusteisiin ennen vuotta 2005...
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A majority of older Finns withdraw from employment via early retirement schemes years before the statutory retirement age. Over the past 15 years, a series of policy reforms have been introduced to reduce the widespread use of early exit pathways. By exploiting variation in eligibility rules...
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Municipal employees and private-sector employees in Finland belong to separate earnings-related pension systems. Both systems are financed by contributions from the payroll, and are mostly pay-as-you-go. Thus if a municipality decides to buy services from the private sector, instead of producing...
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contribution rate by raising the retirement age and cutting pensions. These kind of specific reforms are not, however, optimal due …
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Moral hazard means that people with insurance may take greater risks because they know they do not bear the full consequences of their actions. This can occur with both private insurance and social insurance. Deductibles can be used to alleviate the problem. An interesting way to bring...
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, existing wealth, survivors' pensions and life insurances. For those individuals who have earned income and who live in families …
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Julkisen talouden rahoituspohjan kestävyys väestön vanhetessa on kiistaton ongelma Suomessa kuten useissa muissakin länsimaissa. Työikäisen väestön väheneminen, työvoiman ikääntyminen ja hyvin vanhojen ihmisten lukumäärän kasvu on vaikea yhdistelmä julkisen talouden kestävyyden...
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This study analyzes the sustainability implications of demographic and investment risks in the Finnish private sector pension system (TyEL). The results show that current contribution rate is likely to be too low to finance the future higher expenditure. The main sustainability problem is not,...
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