Showing 1 - 10 of 12
The data were collected via a web-based survey tool in the autumn of 2006. The study takes into consideration the viewpoint of VC investors as it focuses on Finnish VC companies (private sector VCs), public sector VC organisations and informal investors (business angels). An effort was made to...
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The study shows that the exceptional drop in volume of Finland's GDP in 2009 - as much as 8 per cent -was to a large extent due to huge decline in exports and production of one industry, ICT. The contribution of ICT (or electronics and electro-technical industry) to GDP decline was close to two...
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We assess Finland’s competitiveness in the light of various, mainly short-term indicators. It turns out that the weak export market performance over the last few years is linked to the deterioration of profitability of production in Finland. A better export and employment performance requires...
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This report is a synthesis of the previous literature analyzing the role of different types of companies on economic growth and employment, and an overlook on the impacts of different policy measures on companies. The role of large companies in the economy is still significant, although...
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Corporate investment is crucial for productivity growth. When economic growth is sluggish and productivity growth weak, the government is likely to compensate the shortage of tax revenues with debt. The aim of this research is to study the connection between public indebtedness and productivity...
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Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan aineettomien investointien eriä Tilastokeskuksen mikroaineistoilla. Jo yritystasolla aineettomat investoinnit ovat suurempia kuin aineelliset ja niiden huomioiminen muuttaa käsityksiämme monista perussuureista: esimerkiksi yrityssektorin arvonlisäyksen taso...
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Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan työn tuottavuuden tasoja ja kehitystä maiden välillä. Tarkastelussa keskitytään erityisesti yrityssektoriin ja sen toimialoihin. Vertailuissa on käytetty useita eri aineistolähteitä, joihin kuuluvat Eurostatin tietokannat Structural Business Statistics ja...
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The study shows that the exceptional drop in volume of Finland's GDP in 2009 - as much as 8 per cent - was to a large extent due to huge decline in exports and production of one industry, ICT. The contribution of ICT (or electronics and electro-technical industry) to GDP decline was close to two...
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Corporate investment is crucial for productivity growth. When economic growth is sluggish and productivity growth weak, the government is likely to compensate the shortage of tax revenues with debt. The aim of this research is to study the connection between public indebtedness and productivity...
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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yritysten tekemiä ulkoistuksia sekä toimintojen siirtoja maasta toiseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan 2000-luvun alkupuoliskolla Suomesta on siirtynyt ulkomaille toimintoja yhteensä noin 10 000-23 000 henkilötyövuoden verran. Vuositasolla tämä vastaa noin...
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