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In this report, we follow up the situation of individuals having re-entered the labour market with the help of a so-called job bank. The follow-up period extends over the next two years after their job-bank-mediated transition into the open labour market. We present two different sets of results...
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In this report, we re-assess the role of so-called job banks as mediators into the open labour market but also as employers of unemployed job-seekers. The focus is primarily on the unemployed who became job bank clients during 2013. We follow up the labour market situation of these individuals...
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This study examines the employment status of workers who left Nokia during the period 2009-2014. The results reveal that the workers were quite successful in finding employment. According to the latest available data, more than three-quarters of these individuals found a new job, while the share...
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This study examines the employment status of workers who left Nokia during the period 2009-2014. The results reveal that the workers were quite successful in finding employment. According to the latest available data, more than three-quarters of these individuals found a new job, while the share...
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In this study we focus on differences in careers and wage development between white-collar workers. We are interested in the questions of which factors contribute to these differences and at what stage of the career they occur. Furthermore, we investigate the wage effects of the different types...
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This study analyses those country characteristics, which lead those regions to become as productive operation and innovation environments for firms and research centres. This study shows that those countries who invest wisely to develop their innovation environment will be successful in high...
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We analyse foreign-owned companies operating in Finland and compare them with domestic non-multinational firms while controlling separately for domestic multinational firms. The statistical and micro-econometric analysis is done using Statistics Finland data that contain all firms with at least...
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This study examines structures and challenges in the Finnish well-being sector from the innovation activity perspective. Firstly, it compares the quality and productivity based on international statistics and research reports, and R&D&I activities in the well-being sector. It investigates also...
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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan naisten ja miesten välisiä ammatillisia eroja Suomen yksityisellä sektorilla vuosina 1995–2004 käyttäen Tilastokeskuksen palkkarakennetilastoa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että sukupuolten ammatilliset erot ovat Suomessa suuret. Segregaation aste on...
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Naisten miehiä suurempi vastuu perhevelvoitteiden osalta mainitaan usein yhtenä tärkeänä tekijänä sukupuolten palkkaerojen taustalla. Tästä huolimatta taloustieteellistä tutkimusta, jossa oltaisiin perehdytty niihin mekanismeihin, joiden välityksellä perheasema mahdollisesti...
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