Showing 1 - 10 of 34
attracting funding for social enterprises. New means of impact investment attract not only attention but also capital that seeks …
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Tutkimus käsittelee riskirahoituksen ja riskirahoittajien merkitystä biotekniikka-alan yritystoiminnalle. Se kiinnittää erityistä huomiota riskirahoittajien tuomaan lisäarvoon yrityksille varsinkin muussa kuin rahallisessa merkityksessä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan sekä riskirahoitusta...
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Suomessa on viime vuosina mietitty keinoja innovaatiopohjaisen kasvuyrittäjyyden edistämiseen ja sen edellyttämän riskipääomamarkkinan toimivuuden kehittämiseen. Useissa tutkimuksissa, selvityksissä ja kannanotoissa on yhtenä ratkaisuna esitetty harkittavaksi verokannustimia...
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We analyse foreign-owned companies operating in Finland and compare them with domestic non-multinational firms while controlling separately for domestic multinational firms. The statistical and micro-econometric analysis is done using Statistics Finland data that contain all firms with at least...
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We examined mergers and acquisitions in the service sector and the effects of the transition to foreign ownership. We analyzed firm-level data encompassing 1,243 service sector acquisitions that occurred from 2009-2018. The most foreign acquisitions occurred in the health and social services,...
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This study examines mergers and acquisitions and their economic impact on companies. The study examined which companies in Finland become the targets of acquisitions, how the economic activities of the target companies develop after the change of ownership and whether there is a difference...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan omistajuuden ja omistusmuodon yhteyksiä yritysten menestymiseen. Tarkasteltavia omistajaryhmiä ovat perheyritykset, valtionyritykset, hajautetusti omistetut pörssiyritykset sekä ulkomaalaisomisteiset yritykset. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto perustuu...
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We analyse foreign-owned companies operating in Finland and compare them with domestic non-multinational firms while controlling separately for domestic multinational firms. The statistical and micro-econometric analysis is done using Statistics Finland data that contain all firms with at least...
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This study examines mergers and acquisitions and their economic impact on companies. The study examined which companies in Finland become the targets of acquisitions, how the economic activities of the target companies develop after the change of ownership and whether there is a difference...
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We examined mergers and acquisitions in the service sector and the effects of the transition to foreign ownership. We analyzed firm-level data encompassing 1,243 service sector acquisitions that occurred from 2009-2018. The most foreign acquisitions occurred in the health and social services,...
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