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This paper studies the taxation of non-listed companies and their owners in Finland. We first describe the main features of the Finnish tax system regarding the taxation of dividends from non-listed companies. We use firm-level data to illustrate how the tax incentives are reflected in firms’...
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We consider the taxation of non-listed companies and their owners in Finland. We analyse how the current highly non-linear dividend taxation influences the allocation of labour and capital across different firms, average labour productivity and the equilibrium wage level. To this end, we use a...
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A Central Counterparty (CCP) is an entity that interposes itself between transacting counterparties – a seller vis-à-vis the original buyer and a buyer vis-à-vis the original seller – to guarantee execution of the transaction. Thus, the original transacting parties substitute their...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan omistajuuden ja omistusmuodon yhteyksiä yritysten menestymiseen. Tarkasteltavia omistajaryhmiä ovat perheyritykset, valtionyritykset, hajautetusti omistetut pörssiyritykset sekä ulkomaalaisomisteiset yritykset. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto perustuu...
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Suomessa on viime vuosina mietitty keinoja innovaatiopohjaisen kasvuyrittäjyyden edistämiseen ja sen edellyttämän riskipääomamarkkinan toimivuuden kehittämiseen. Useissa tutkimuksissa, selvityksissä ja kannanotoissa on yhtenä ratkaisuna esitetty harkittavaksi verokannustimia...
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Viimeaikaisten law and finance -tutkimusten mukaan yritysten ohjausjärjestelmien uudistamiseen ja sijoittajan suojan kohentamiseen tähtäävä lainsäädännön kehittäminen vaikuttaa suotuisasti rahoitusmarkkinoiden toimintaan ja kehitykseen. Suomessa osakeyhtiölaki on perinteisesti ollut...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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According to recent law and finance research, legislation is essential to financial development. More effi-cient financial markets would be achieved by reforming the laws governing investor protection and cor-porate governance systems. The Companies Act has traditionally played a very important...
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