Showing 1 - 10 of 15
This paper examines the EU development cooperation policy and the Lomé convention system. Development cooperation policy aims to achieve a socially and economically sustainable development in the poorest countries. In 1975 the European Community member states and a group of African, Caribbean...
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The report analyses the impacts of globalization on competitiveness of national economies, industries and firms. The focus is in mechanical and electrical engineering and machinery. Global division of labor has significantly changed over the past few decades when the large emerging economies -...
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EU's trade sanctions against Russia came into force 1.8.2014. Sanctioned products were exported to Russia at a value of 22 billion euros during the time period 2001-2017. The most important exporting countries were Ukraine, China, South Korea, Germany and the United States. Exports of banned...
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The report analyses the impacts of globalization on competitiveness of national economies, industries and firms. The focus is in mechanical and electrical engineering and machinery. Global division of labor has significantly changed over the past few decades when the large emerging economies -...
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EU's trade sanctions against Russia came into force 1.8.2014. Sanctioned products were exported to Russia at a value of 22 billion euros during the time period 2001-2017. The most important exporting countries were Ukraine, China, South Korea, Germany and the United States. Exports of banned...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan omistajuuden ja omistusmuodon yhteyksiä yritysten menestymiseen. Tarkasteltavia omistajaryhmiä ovat perheyritykset, valtionyritykset, hajautetusti omistetut pörssiyritykset sekä ulkomaalaisomisteiset yritykset. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto perustuu...
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Suomessa on viime vuosina mietitty keinoja innovaatiopohjaisen kasvuyrittäjyyden edistämiseen ja sen edellyttämän riskipääomamarkkinan toimivuuden kehittämiseen. Useissa tutkimuksissa, selvityksissä ja kannanotoissa on yhtenä ratkaisuna esitetty harkittavaksi verokannustimia...
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Viimeaikaisten law and finance -tutkimusten mukaan yritysten ohjausjärjestelmien uudistamiseen ja sijoittajan suojan kohentamiseen tähtäävä lainsäädännön kehittäminen vaikuttaa suotuisasti rahoitusmarkkinoiden toimintaan ja kehitykseen. Suomessa osakeyhtiölaki on perinteisesti ollut...
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The study investigates empirically how ownership affects firms' domestic employment and its fluctuations. We look at six different ownership categories: first generation family businesses, second generation (or older) family businesses, state-owned companies, foreign-owned companies, publicly...
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