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The project to build up a banking union in Europe was launched in summer 2012. Thereafter the progress has been fast. Single Supervisory Mechanism will embark on November 1, 2014. A decision on the Single Resolution Mechanism was made in Spring 2014. It should be up and running as of the...
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In economics, the regional densification of economic activity is referred to as agglomeration. The effects of agglomeration are often referred to when discussing the wider economic benefits of transportation infrastructure projects. The magnitude of these effects has not been extensively studied...
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Helsingin seudun ja Uudenmaan tuotannon ja työllisyyden kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin koko Suomen. Samaan aikaan erikoistuminen on vähentynyt. Tuotantorakenne muistuttaa nyt huomattavasti enemmän koko Suomen tuotantorakennetta kuin aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Silti erikoistuminen liike-elämän...
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The study examines the developments in production structures in Finnish regions and the differences in regional income levels and the causes that affect them in an integrating global economy as well as the challenges facing regional policies. The increasing openness of the world economy, the...
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In economics, the regional densification of economic activity is referred to as agglomeration. The effects of agglomeration are often referred to when discussing the wider economic benefits of transportation infrastructure projects. The magnitude of these effects has not been extensively studied...
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A Central Counterparty (CCP) is an entity that interposes itself between transacting counterparties – a seller vis-à-vis the original buyer and a buyer vis-à-vis the original seller – to guarantee execution of the transaction. Thus, the original transacting parties substitute their...
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In order to shed light on the consequences of the ongoing financial crisis, ETLA conducted two surveys at the end of October 2008. The firm survey targeted firms employing at least 10 persons in Finland (2,017 observations with a response rate of 33%) and the consumer survey targeted...
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Keskuspankit ovat perinteisesti laskeneet liikkeeseen seteleitä yleisön käytettäviksi. Digitalisaation myötä setelit alkavat olla teknisesti vanhentunut maksuväline, ja jotkut keskuspankit ovat harkinneet vähittäismaksamiseen soveltuvaa elektronista keskuspankkirahaa. Elektroninen...
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In order to shed light on the consequences of the ongoing financial crisis, ETLA conducted two surveys at the end of October 2008. The firm survey targeted firms employing at least 10 persons in Finland (2,017 observations with a response rate of 33%) and the consumer survey targeted...
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