Showing 1 - 10 of 74
The turnover of the companies in North Savo in 2011 was nearly 10 billion euros, of which industry accounted for just under a third. The industrial structure of the region is not strong, but on the other hand it is not alarmingly thin either, because it does have certain successful niches. North...
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The turnover of the companies in North Savo in 2011 was nearly 10 billion euros, of which industry accounted for just under a third. The industrial structure of the region is not strong, but on the other hand it is not alarmingly thin either, because it does have certain successful niches. North...
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There is a deep structural transformation going on In the Finnish electrical, electronics and IT services sector. The main reason is a major turning point in ICT due to diminishing production and employment in mobile telecom industry where large amount of high-skill jobs will disappear in the...
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Tässä tutkimuksessa simuloidaan lääkekehitykseen suuntautuneiden pienten ja keskisuurten biotekniikkayritysten tulevaisuutta, erityispainopisteenä kansantaloudelliset implikaatiot. Simulaatiossa huomioidaan vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja, joiden avulla on arvioitu erilaisten...
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Biotekniikan ennakointi -projektin tavoitteena on ollut selvittää bioteknologian muuntumista kaupalliseksi tuotannoksi sekä esittää sen pohjalta suosituksia kehittää koulutusjärjestelmää kaupallisen tuotannon edistämiseksi vuoteen 2020 asti. Liiketoimintaosaamisen pikaiseksi...
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Helsingin seudun ja Uudenmaan tuotannon ja työllisyyden kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin koko Suomen. Samaan aikaan erikoistuminen on vähentynyt. Tuotantorakenne muistuttaa nyt huomattavasti enemmän koko Suomen tuotantorakennetta kuin aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Silti erikoistuminen liike-elämän...
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This report is an overview to the presentations and discussions in the seminar Survival or performance? Healthcare viewed through organization, information management, and personnel held on 3.9.2012. The seminar provided an interdisciplinary forum for the question how the health care system may...
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The importance of our forests is growing. Forest industry has retained its vital position within Finnish economy, and it seems reasonable to assume our forests' value added will contribute to Finland's wealth also far into the future. Of more recent interest is the value of forests being...
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In this paper, we analyse the economic impacts of the low-carbon roadmap made for the Finnish forest indus-tries. The analysis is based on a future scenario provid-ed by AFRY. Given the unit prices and production levels of six forest industry production categories, we assess the value added and...
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