Showing 1 - 10 of 45
The renewal of Finnish manufacturing companies has often been addressed through their innovative activities. But companies do renew themselves in many other ways. This report takes into account, in addition to innovative activities, product and service range, supply and distribution channels,...
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In Finland, universities have the explicit mandate to support the transformation of high-quality knowledge into profitable business, as well as to promote the creation of new businesses and workplaces within the boundaries of their so-called third mission. This report looks at how Finnish...
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The renewal of Finnish manufacturing companies has often been addressed through their innovative activities. But companies do renew themselves in many other ways. This report takes into account, in addition to innovative activities, product and service range, supply and distribution channels,...
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Three fourths of Finnish business enterprises have relationships that are deeper than those associated with normal market transactions, i.e., they are involved in interorganizational networking. Regionally networking is more commonplace in North Savo, North Karelia/Kainuu, Central Finland and...
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Three fourths of Finnish business enterprises have relationships that are deeper than those associated with normal market transactions, i.e., they are involved in interorganizational networking. Regionally networking is more commonplace in North Savo, North Karelia/Kainuu, Central Finland and...
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Suomalaisyritysten toimitusjohtajista ja hallitusten puheenjohtajista alle kymmenesosa sekä hallituksen jäsenistä alle neljäsosa on naisia. Laajaan yritysaineistoon perustuvan empiirisen regressioanalyysin perusteella havaitaan, että naistoimitusjohtoinen yritys on keskimäärin noin...
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Vaikka yritysten välistä verkostomaista yhteistyötä pidetään yleisesti yhtenä niiden liiketaloudellista menestystä tukevana tekijänä, aihetta on tutkittu varsin vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa hyödynnämme Eurostatin ja kansallisten tilastokeskusten muutaman vuoden takaisessa...
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Tässä selvityksessä tarkastellaan ohjelmisto-alan nykytilaa Suomessa. Tulosten mukaan koko IT-alan osuus Suomen BKT:sta on kaksinkertaistunut viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana. Nykyisin IT-alan osuus BKT:sta on noin 2 prosenttia. Vuonna 2006 IT-alalla oli kaikkiaan noin 8000 yritystä. IT-yritysten...
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This report analyzes the role of the largest companies in the Finnish economy. According to the results, the ten largest companies in terms of their value added together produce 7,6 % of the Finnish GDP. In addition, these companies generate notable multiplicative effects in the economy....
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We characterize increases and decreases in plant-product -level output sales in the Finnish manufacturing sector during years 2006 to 2015. We show that during the recession of 2008 to 2009, the intensity of variation in plant-product -level sales diminished, and it took several years until the...
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