Showing 1 - 10 of 31
In the beginning of the 1990’s, various fragmented information networks of the Internet were combined into one integrated network of systems. As a result, the commercial utilization of the Internet boomed, creating completely new business models and economic structures in the process. A...
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Family effects on an individual's labor market success have been studied by economists and sociologists. The consensus is that background matters to educational and labor market performance, but it is not clear how and why. I look at indicators of family background and sibling structure,...
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Three fourths of Finnish business enterprises have relationships that are deeper than those associated with normal market transactions, i.e., they are involved in interorganizational networking. Regionally networking is more commonplace in North Savo, North Karelia/Kainuu, Central Finland and...
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Vaikka yritysten välistä verkostomaista yhteistyötä pidetään yleisesti yhtenä niiden liiketaloudellista menestystä tukevana tekijänä, aihetta on tutkittu varsin vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa hyödynnämme Eurostatin ja kansallisten tilastokeskusten muutaman vuoden takaisessa...
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Three fourths of Finnish business enterprises have relationships that are deeper than those associated with normal market transactions, i.e., they are involved in interorganizational networking. Regionally networking is more commonplace in North Savo, North Karelia/Kainuu, Central Finland and...
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The aim of this report has been to produce an analysis of the state of the social enterprises in Finland. Based on a comprehensive survey, there are roughly 19 000 social enterprises in Finland that employ around 125 000 persons. These estimates produced in this report multiply the views on the...
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Tutkimus käsittelee riskirahoituksen ja riskirahoittajien merkitystä biotekniikka-alan yritystoiminnalle. Se kiinnittää erityistä huomiota riskirahoittajien tuomaan lisäarvoon yrityksille varsinkin muussa kuin rahallisessa merkityksessä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan sekä riskirahoitusta...
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Suomessa on viime vuosina mietitty keinoja innovaatiopohjaisen kasvuyrittäjyyden edistämiseen ja sen edellyttämän riskipääomamarkkinan toimivuuden kehittämiseen. Useissa tutkimuksissa, selvityksissä ja kannanotoissa on yhtenä ratkaisuna esitetty harkittavaksi verokannustimia...
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There is a deep structural transformation going on In the Finnish electrical, electronics and IT services sector. The main reason is a major turning point in ICT due to diminishing production and employment in mobile telecom industry where large amount of high-skill jobs will disappear in the...
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This study examines structures at the environment and energy sectors and those challenges to face in ongoing climate change. It investigates firstly goals behind steps how to decrease effects of climate change, research results and scenarios and which support to achieve these goals. Study also...
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