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The aim of this report has been to produce an analysis of the state of the social enterprises in Finland. Based on a comprehensive survey, there are roughly 19 000 social enterprises in Finland that employ around 125 000 persons. These estimates produced in this report multiply the views on the...
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In this report, we study the development of Finnish startup firms based on both survey and register data. The sample includes all firms that were founded in the first half of the year 2005, and those firms have been monitored for eight years. We find that entrepreneurs in growth-oriented...
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In this study, we analyze the characteristics and development of Finnish startups based on firm-level data available in public databases. By startups we refer to young, small, and independent firms holding basic elements for growth. Some 4 000–5 000 of such firms are being established...
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About half of all new business activity in Finland can be categorized as being entrepreneurial. The number of this kind of new businesses has not increased dramatically during the last ten years. However, the characteristics of these businesses have changed. Nowadays, new entrepreneurs have...
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Tässä raportissa tutkitaan aloittavia ja erityisesti kasvuhakuisia yrittäjiä ja heidän yrityksiään laajaa tietokoneavusteista puhelinkyselyä hyödyntäen. Tulosten valossa näyttää siltä, että kasvuhakuinen uusyrittäjä on usein korkeahkon teknisen koulutuksen omaava mies, hänellä...
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Public sector organizations are important producers of the core geographic information (GI). Data sharing is aggravated by e.g. highly varying policies to sharing and pricing the data. For instance, since the governmental data producer sets the price level high, it seems to restrict innovative...
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Tässä tutkimuksessa simuloidaan lääkekehitykseen suuntautuneiden pienten ja keskisuurten biotekniikkayritysten tulevaisuutta, erityispainopisteenä kansantaloudelliset implikaatiot. Simulaatiossa huomioidaan vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja, joiden avulla on arvioitu erilaisten...
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Public sector organizations are important producers of the core geographic information (GI). Data sharing is aggravated by e.g. highly varying policies to sharing and pricing the data. For instance, since the governmental data producer sets the price level high, it seems to restrict innovative...
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This paper discusses the Finnish experiences of Active Labour Market Policy (ALMP) across the economic cycle, especially in economic downturn. Cuts in unemployment spell duration have been the main factors to contribute in decreasing the unemployment in the recent years. Subsidised employment...
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