Showing 1 - 10 of 43
We analyse how alternative reforms of the student financial aid would influence average study duration, government expenditures, and tax revenues. We also consider the reform that has been proposed by the current government (in 2016) which consists of lowering the monthly student grant and...
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We study the extent to which retired households in Finland could supplement their mandatory pension benefits by releasing their equity. We also consider the tax treatment of different financial products that turn wealth into an income stream. In addition, we use a life cycle consumption-savings...
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Tarkastelemme yksityistä eläkesäästämistä Suomessa. Luotaamme tulevaisuutta arvioimalla miten lakisääteisen eläketurvan muuttuminen ja eliniän piteneminen vaikuttavat yksityisen eläkesäästämisen tarpeeseen. Tarkastelemme asiaa nuorten, hiljattain työelämään astuneiden...
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Suomen Pankin projekti "Suomalaiset maksutavat 2010" ennakoi suomalaisten maksutottumusten olevan suurten muutosten edessä. Muutosten syitä ovat muun muassa eurooppalaisten maksujärjestelmien integroituminen ja standardoituminen, maksupalveluja koskevan lainsäädännön ja sääntelyn...
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We study the extent to which retired households in Finland could supplement their mandatory pension benefits by releasing their equity. We also consider the tax treatment of different financial products that turn wealth into an income stream. In addition, we use a life cycle consumption-savings...
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This report describes how Finland succeeds in international comparisons of investments into and outcomes from education. OECD publications (Education at a Glance, PISA, IALS) are the main sources of this report. All levels of the education system, from pre-primary education to the second stage...
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This literature review starts with a general discussion of young people and their various activities with special emphasis on youth unemployment and the outcome of alternative ways of measuring the prevalence of unemployment among young people. Thereafter the focus turns to measures targeted at...
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This report describes how Finland succeeds in international comparisons of investments into and outcomes from education. OECD publications (Education at a Glance, PISA, IALS) are the main sources of this report. All levels of the education system, from pre-primary education to the second stage...
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