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The renewal of Finnish manufacturing companies has often been addressed through their innovative activities. But companies do renew themselves in many other ways. This report takes into account, in addition to innovative activities, product and service range, supply and distribution channels,...
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Tutkimuksessa kehitetään mallia, jolla voidaan arvioida sosiaa-lietuuksien kustannusten vaikutuksia tuottajahintoihin sekä valtakunnallisiin ja alueel-lisiin kuluttajahintoihin. Tuottajahintoja määrittävä panos-tuotoshintamalli ottaa huo-mioon sosiaalietuuksien rahoitukseen käytettävien...
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Tutkimuksessa kehitetään mallia, jolla voidaan arvioida sosiaa-lietuuksien kustannusten vaikutuksia tuottaja- ja kuluttajahintoihin sekä erityyppisten ja sosioekonomiselta asemaltaan erilaisten kotitalouksien hyvinvointiin. Tuottajahin-toja määrittävällä panos-tuotoshintamallilla voidaan...
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The importance of our forests is growing. Forest industry has retained its vital position within Finnish economy, and it seems reasonable to assume our forests' value added will contribute to Finland's wealth also far into the future. Of more recent interest is the value of forests being...
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The importance of our forests is growing. Forest industry has retained its vital position within Finnish economy, and it seems reasonable to assume our forests' value added will contribute to Finland's wealth also far into the future. Of more recent interest is the value of forests being...
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The study deals with the theory and measurement of competitiveness. The basic theory of firm implies that under constant returns to scale the unit cost of production can be used to measure the marginal cost of production and to model the impact of competitiveness on the market share of a firm....
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The euro area economic crisis is largely a result of the competitiveness disparity between Germany and the rest of the euro area. The wage moderation in Germany has considerably improved its competitiveness in relation to the rest of the euro area. Wage policy has been deflationary in Germany in...
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The study shows that the exceptional drop in volume of Finland's GDP in 2009 - as much as 8 per cent -was to a large extent due to huge decline in exports and production of one industry, ICT. The contribution of ICT (or electronics and electro-technical industry) to GDP decline was close to two...
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Information and communications technology, global value chains, and population ageing are changing the structures of the labour market. These three factors affect the tasks carried out in Finland in the future and the division of labour between humans and computers. The changes are taking place...
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In this study we analyse the development of business investments in Finland and in other countries of comparison on the basis of national accounts, survey data and a sector-level general equilibrium model. According to the results, the decline in investments in Finland is mainly explained by two...
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