Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Yritykset ja niiden toimintatavat ovat jatkuvassa muutoksessa teknologian kehittyessä. Etenkin edistys tieto- ja viestintäteknologiassa (ICT) on luonut kokonaan uusia toimialoja ja toisaalta muokannut merkittävästi myös perinteisinä koettujen alojen yritysten toimintamalleja. ICT:n...
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of choice and decisionmaking. The paper limits itself to examining the role of trust in the formation and disruption of … social capital. Emotions such as guilt and shame are central in the emergence of trust within social relations. Sources of …
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This report is an overview to the presentations and discussions in the seminar Survival or performance? Healthcare viewed through organization, information management, and personnel held on 3.9.2012. The seminar provided an interdisciplinary forum for the question how the health care system may...
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This project investigated how register data on daily working hours and hospital patients can be used to measure the workload of healthcare personnel and to study its relationship with different work features. We used econometric analysis to measure the average labor requirement of different...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan hyvinvointiklusterin vientimenestystä ja teollisen toiminnan kehitystä 1990-luvun jälkipuoliskolla. Klusterin teollinen laajuus Suomessa on erittäin vaatimatonta. Klusterin osuus teollisuustuotannosta on vajaa kolme prosenttia ja tavaraviennistä alle kaksi...
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This project investigated how register data on daily working hours and hospital patients can be used to measure the workload of healthcare personnel and to study its relationship with different work features. We used econometric analysis to measure the average labor requirement of different...
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