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This paper comments on economic infrastructures (communication and public goods) ; it takes into account the economic, monetary and financial consequences of these investments, including their geographic orientation.
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subjects’ choices generate a negative externality, while in the public good experiment, the actions of the other subjects … create a positive externality. In this paper we designed an experiment which allows us to compare the level of … overcontribution of the two contexts. Our experiment shows that subjects in the positive context contribute (significantly) more to the …
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In this paper, we present a collective model with public consumption. It is based on the more general model of Lewbel, Chiappori and Browning (2001). Rather than estimating a consumption technology, which captures all economies of scale of living in a couple, we determine a priori which goods...
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Cette expérience sur les mécanismes de contribution volontaire à un bien public utilise une fonction de paiement qui définit l'optimum de Pareto à l'intérieur de l'espace stratégique des contributions. Deux optima sont comparés. L'un est défini à 30% de la contribution individuelle,...
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